| Community

Along with spring comes our new website!

We are very excited with the recent launch of our website over the last two weeks, welcome to the first blog post on our new site!  Our first website was published in 1994 and has seen many revisions along the way.  This newest version was built from scratch to feature all of our wonderful listings, to be responsive and client friendly, plus to rank high for search engine optimization (SEO).

We have been hard at work since launch fine tuning the information, listings, photos, backgrounds and more than meets the eye; and we will continue to do so in the coming days and weeks.

In the meantime, we’re very happy with the results and will be working closely with our web developer, Artifact Digital, and with LYF Marketing in Victoria, to maximize the exposure of our website. This will include listing and branding through SEO, social media, print, plus through our large referral network and sphere of influence.

Our new site uses larger images and videos to showcase some of the best real estate that Victoria has to offer.  In the move to larger images we are not able to bring forward all of our sold listings from the last few decades, however, we still do have them with our smaller photos so please contact us if you would like details on any of the hundreds of sales from years gone by.  The sold portfolio can be found under the “properties” menu.

Please take time to look about the site, which we feel look as good on a large desktop monitor as on a smart phone or tablet.  Feel free to reach out and comment, we would love to hear what you like or what you feel could use improvement.  You will find our contact information at the top of any of our pages.

Check in regularly for updates from our community, statistics, real estate in Greater Victoria, as well as information about our industry at the provincial and national levels.

Thank you for your time!  We welcome you to contact us for all of your real estate needs.